International Family Mediation – Relocation and Child Abduction
The Family Mediation Centre has a lot of experience with cases concerning children (child abduction and child relocation) as well as financial Family Mediation matters that have an international element.
There is also the option to co-mediate the matter with Solicitors or Judges who are trained as Family Mediators.
Some of our mediators are also able to mediate publicly funded (Legal Aid) mediation for child abduction cases.
The Family Mediation Centre is able to mediate or co-mediate in London or abroad using Skype to allow the Family Mediation to take place even if one client is not in the UK.
Some of the Family Mediation Centre’s Mediators are also trained to mediate directly with children to find out their wishes and feelings if their parents are separating or divorcing to discuss where the child would like to live, and how childcare should work in the future. The parents would then have a feedback session afterwards based on what the child would like the mediator to tell the parents.
Austin Chessell has written about international relocation mediation for Solicitors Journal.