LGBTQIA+ Couples

How can Family Mediation help separating LGBT couples?

Same sex marriages are now legal in Great Britain. If you decide to dissolve the relationship Family Mediation is a useful process to talk though the matters you both want resolved. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community himself, Austin has a deep understanding of same sex relationships which means he understands the context in which the separation / divorce takes place.

Mediation is a cheaper and quicker process than going to court and is quicker than court. Family Mediation will help you reach proposals for children and financial matters e.g. property and other assets.

Agreements are reached in mediation are documented into a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ which your Solicitor can convert into a ‘Consent Order’ if you wish to make it legally binding..

Since 2005 we have helped many separating LGBTQIA+ couples to discuss family matters in Mediation. We have helped non-same sex couples to provide a safe space to come out to the person they wish to separate from, and then discuss co-parenting and financial matters (which have also included an international element when one parent wanted to relocate abroad).